September 13, 2015
“If a doula were a drug it would be unethical not to use it”
– Dr. John H. Kennell
Doula (doo-lah) – a woman who is trained to assist another woman in labor by offering resources, emotional support & physical comfort to a mother before, during & after childbirth.
The presence of a doula reduces:
- Need for a cesarean by 26%.
- Need for forceps or vacuum extractor by 41%.
- Use of pain medication by 28%.
- Dissatisfaction with birth by 33%.
- Length of labor.
6 weeks after giving birht, mothers who had doulas:
- were less anxious & depressed.
- had more confidence with their babies.
- were more satisfied with their partners.
- were more likely to be breastfeeding.
– The Cochrane database of Systemic Review.